Your first one-on-one meeting template
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You're about to have your first 1-1 with your new team member. Use this time to set the foundation for your working relationship and support your team to do their best work by getting to know them.
Ask your direct report to fill out a “User Manual” which sets norms about working styles, communication preferences, and more. Send the email below to your new hire at least two days before your first 1-1.
I look forward to working with you! I see my role as supporting you to do your best work. To help us set a good foundation, I'd like to know more about you. We use a tool called a user manual to establish norms for our working relationship. Can you please fill it out before our first 1-1? It does not need to be lengthy, it's just meant to get you thinking. I'll share my User Manual with you too. Thanks, and let me know if you have any questions.”
During your first 1-1 meeting, you’ll both share your User Manuals, clarify any questions about what was written, note any similarities or differences, and start to discern how you can best work together given your individual styles and preferences.
End the meeting by confirming your regular cadence for 1-1 meetings and the format those will follow.