Yom Kippur begins the evening of Friday, October 11th, and ends on the evening of Saturday, October 12th, 2024.

What to do

If you plan to take leave to observe the holiday, please notify your manager (and team as appropriate).

Managers, please be sure to respond to your team's leave requests. If you have questions about our policy regarding leave requests for religious holidays, please refer to [INSERT LINK TO POLICY OR PERSON TO CONTACT]

What is Yom Kippur?

Often referred to as the Day of Atonement, Yom Kippur is a solemn day when people repent for their sins from the previous year. It is customary for people to fast, attend services in the synagogue, and refrain from most activities during this time. To greet someone on Yom Kippur you can say Chag sameach (Happy holiday) or Have a meaningful Yom Kippur.

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