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How to celebrate LGBTQIA+ Pride Month as a manager

June is LGBTQIA+ Pride Month! As a manager, you may want to celebrate the community, and at the same time acknowledge the ongoing challenges they face. We’ll share recommendations to help you navigate this month.

Understand the history behind LGBTQIA+ Pride Month

The origin of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Intersex, and Asexual (LGBTQIA+) Pride Month is one that’s rooted in prejudice. On June 28, 1969, police raided a gay bar in New York called Stonewall Inn to harass patrons. This led to multi-day riots to protest the mistreatment of the gay community by law enforcement. 

This uprising was pivotal for the gay rights movement and opened the door to more alliances, protests, and political conversations. One year after the Stonewall riots, the nation’s first Gay Pride march was organized by an activist named Brenda Howard.

Since then, Pride Month has spread globally and grown to encompass a month-long series of events. Today, the purpose of the month is to celebrate progress to date, commemorate those who have lost their lives to hate crimes or HIV/AIDS, and recognize the community members who have positively impacted the movement.

How to prepare for LGBTQIA+ Pride Month

Learn how to be an ally

To be a better ally to the LGBTQIA+ community, do your own research to understand the history, implications, and terminology surrounding Pride Month. Here are some resources we recommend as a starting point: 

Give your employees a platform

Encourage your LGBTQIA+ employees to share their experiences with others, if they feel comfortable doing so. Here are a few ways to amplify their voices: 

  • Host a safe space for people to have conversations and share stories about their experiences as members of the LGBTQIA+ community. 
  • Start a Slack channel for everyone to share what Pride Month means to them. 
  • Support the participation of your LGBTQIA+ employees in panel discussions, lunch and learns, or any other educational company-wide event. 

Start a dialogue in your team

Let people know that you’re reflecting on the upcoming month and invite them to an open dialogue. Here’s an example of an email you can send to your team. 

Hi team, As you know, LGBTQIA+ Pride Month starts in June. I want to use this as an opportunity to reflect on how I can be a better ally to the community—in my role as a manager, friend, colleague, and human being. In addition to self-reflection, I also want to encourage open dialogue on our team. Feel free to share educational resources, ask questions, and start conversations about LGBTQIA+ topics with me or each other. Similarly, be prepared to observe, listen, and learn with an open mind! During our 1:1s, I’ll also be asking for feedback on how I manage the team. If you feel comfortable doing so, please share your thoughts with me on what I can do better—whether that’s pointing out my blind spots or suggesting ways to foster a stronger sense of inclusivity and belonging. I’m committed to creating a better work experience for everyone. Let me know if you have any questions or concerns. 

What to during LGBTQIA+ Pride Month

Demonstrate your support

Attend company events, post on social media, and be a safe space for your LGBTQIA+ employees. 

Safely participate in local events

If your city is planning to host Pride Month celebrations this year and you feel comfortable doing so, participate in local events and meet up with team members who can join! Prioritize everyone’s health and safety during these gatherings by following recommended protocols. 

Give employees the space to celebrate and grieve

LGBTQIA+ Pride Month may elicit different reactions from different people. For some, it’s an exciting time to celebrate the community. For others, it’s a time to grieve for the loved ones they’ve lost. Give your employees the time and space to process their emotions. 

Ways to support your LGBTQIA+ employees year-round

Foster belonging and inclusion on your team

  • Respect gender pronouns. Create a more inclusive culture by using people’s gender pronouns and encouraging other team members to share theirs on public channels.
  • Be an ally. Practice allyship by holding your leadership team accountable to diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) goals, speaking out against microaggressions in the workplace, and uncovering your own unconscious biases. 
  • Create safe spaces. Provide an outlet for your employees to share their concerns, problems, and thoughts—and hold these conversations without judgment.  

Keep a finger on the pulse

  • Check in regularly. Ask your LGBTQIA+ employees how they’re doing and ask for feedback on how you can better support them while still respecting their boundaries. 

Create a culture of learning

  • Ask questions. If you don’t understand something, don’t be afraid to ask clarifying questions. Encourage the rest of your team to do the same.
  • Take advantage of company resources. Use the learning opportunities we offer, such as [list of relevant company resources] to further your understanding of the LGBTQIA+ community. 

What NOT to do during LGBTQIA+ Pride Month

  • DON’T presume that Pride Month is only about parades, celebrations, and fun. 
  • DON’T say statements like, “Why does this month exist?” 
  • DON’T assume that you understand the unique experiences of the LGBTQIA+ community. 
  • DON’T ask invasive questions or put the burden of education on your LGBTQIA+ employees. 

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