6 questions to ask your new hire after 6 months
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Tomorrow, @principal.name has been with us for 6 months! Here's a nudge to ensure you celebrate this milestone and discuss it in your next 1-1. Start with a celebratory announcement in your team's messenger channel or during a team meeting.
At your next 1-1 ask these questions:
1. Tell me about your best week and your worst week.
Why: Uncover and discuss where they thrive and what they find challenging.
2. Is this role what you thought it would be?
Why: It’s an opportunity to reset expectations and get aligned. Don’t be taken aback by a “no”
3. What would you do differently if you were me?
Why: Learn from your new hire and signal that you want to establish a culture of feedback.
4. On a 1-10 scale, what score would you give your performance and why?
Why: This gives you an opportunity to see if your perception and theirs match and if there are any gaps that should be addressed.
5. What feedback do you have for us?
Why: Allows for an open exchange of feedback. After listening to their experience, you can provide your feedback as well. What are their strengths? What are their areas for improvement? Be kind - but clear and firm if there are things that need to be improved or if you’ve noticed gaps between your perspective and theirs when it comes to their growth and performance.
6. How can I help you succeed over the next 6 months?
Why: An opportunity to discuss how the employee can be successful in their role and prevent feedback surprises during their future performance review.