5 things to do in your new hire’s first week to set them up for success
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Your new hire starts today! Here's what to do this week to set them up for success.
- Send a welcome note and schedule for their first week (10 minutes)
- First day 1-1 (provide company context, explain team norms, ensure your new hire has access to tools, etc)(1 hour)
- Team lunch (1 hour)
- Mid-week 1-1 (provide an overview of current projects and goals, discuss the 60-day plan with new hire) (1 hour)
- Friday First Week Recap (end of week check-in and review) (30 minutes)
Why is this important?
First impressions matter. A strong onboarding process increases employee engagement and retention.
Send a Day 1 Welcome Note
Email your new hire to let them know why you hired them and are excited to have them on the team and what their first weeks will look like. Here's a sample email:
Hi [name], I'm excited to have you join the team. Your [knowledge/skill] will be of great value to the company. This week, we'll meet to get you settled in and to go through your 60-day plan. You'll see our meetings on your calendar at [DAY] [TIME]. I've also organized a team lunch so you can meet the team! Throughout your first couple of weeks I've arranged for you to meet with several people, including: - [LIST PEOPLE AND TIMES]. Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions and we will chat soon!
First day 1-1
Your first 1-1 will largely be about getting your new hire settled in and giving them the context they need to begin their onboarding.
Provide company context
This is the perfect time to tell them about the organization's history, values, people, and big-picture vision for the future. Include any relevant business context (product vision, marketing trends, etc) and upcoming milestones or OKRs.
Share any insights you have gained during your own journey at the company. This gives your new hire a peek into what success looks like on your team and at the company as a whole.
Make sure they have the right access, tools, and set-up
- Provide access to files, information, tasks, deadlines, updates, news and more.
- Make sure they have access to your tools like Slack, Asana, and Trello.
- Ensure they have the equipment and space needed for their work.
- Have a back-up plan for IT interruptions, breakdown, maintenance, and support.
Explain team norms
Help your new hire understand how your team operates by talking about things like:
- Core team hours. For example, “We ask that your working hours overlap at least 4 hours with Pacific time. If you’re working support, we ask that you’re available from 9am - 5pm ET.”
- Communication methods and shared tools. Clarify which communication methods to use and why (e.g., to use or not use email, Slack, Google Docs, or Zoom). Does the team prefer real-time chat or asynchronous email? What is the expected reply/ turn-around time for email or Slack? What are the rules for @all emails?
- Response times. For example, “We use acronyms like “4 Hour Response (4HR)” and “No Need to Respond (NNTR)” to bring predictability and certainty to virtual conversations.”
Midweek 1-1
Now that they have had time to get set up, meet the team, and learn more about the company, it is time to dive into specifics about the team’s projects and how the new hire will contribute.
Provide an overview of current projects and goals
Context is important, even more so for someone who is new in your team! Make sure you explain the team’s goals and current projects. Discuss how their role will fit into the current projects and goals and what the expectations of them are over their first 60 days and beyond.
Discuss their 60-day plan in detail
Run through their 60-day plan in detail. Then, help them chart out their first three weeks based on the plan.
Friday ‘First Week Recap’
Catch them at the end of their first week for a check-in. Ask them about their week one experience, if they are clear on expectations for week 2, and any other questions or concerns.